To commemorate Michael's birthday on August 29th, fans from all around the world are making a donation to a charity in honour of Michael. Fans nominate their favourite charities and of these, three finalists will be chosen. Everyone then takes a vote and donate to the charity with the most votes. Click on Previous Posts on the right to see what we have done in past years.

23 August 2012


Total donations received: €557.72 (US$740) from 28 donors. smile

Donations received as of August 26, 2012: €352.88 (US$452) from 18 donors.

Donations received as of August 21, 2012: €250.72 (US$315) from 10 donors.

There was also another donation sent directly to Cuore’s bank account but they have no idea who it is from. Can the donor please send your info (name and country) to the charity? Email them at info at Thanks!

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