To commemorate Michael's birthday on August 29th, fans from all around the world are making a donation to a charity in honour of Michael. Fans nominate their favourite charities and of these, three finalists will be chosen. Everyone then takes a vote and donate to the charity with the most votes. Click on Previous Posts on the right to see what we have done in past years.

2 September 2012

Thank you!

I would like to thank everybody who donated to Cuore d’Africa Onlus [Heart of Africa Charity] for this year’s Michael Jackson Birthday Charity event. We have raised €557.72 ($740.08). This money will be used to sponsor a boy or a girl in secondary school for this year. Cuore d’Africa supports 106 children in sponsorship, but some of them have not found a sponsor yet. Their school fees are a cost for this organization, in the sense that we have to postpone other projects in order to allow all the children to have an education that will lead them to live a better life.

Over the next days, we will post the Thank you card Cuore d’Africa is going to send to Michael’s family and the biography of the chosen child. Your donations have surely made a difference in a child’s life! This is the best way to celebrate Michael’s birthday, by doing what he has always taught all his life long! Thank you everybody! ~Morena/Cuore d’Africa

We would like to thank from the bottom of our heart all of you who have taken part in this event! We have found many new friends who decided to support our projects in memory of Michael Jackson and in accordance with his teachings. We accept with great pleasure your generous contributions! Your love honors the man you have celebrated on his birthday. Thank you all!  ~Pamela/Cuore d’Africa

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